Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kick Ass

Ah the food rationing has begun. I am allocating myself one half of a bagel in the morning, a sandwich at lunch, and if I absolutely must, I have three fruit cups and a granola bar to be dispersed in between. Today I went without, I'm pretty proud. Then I am allowed dinner, with a hunk of chicken, and I have about two portions of instant mashed potatos left, and a little bit of broccoli to last till the 3rd. Stay living with your parents people, they may piss you off but at least they will always have tasty vittles in the fridge for you.

My head is in a cloud this week for some reason. I had to ask Cameron how to spell "steep", and had several retarded moments where my foot was stuck in my mouth today. But the paper got sent out, and hopefully my ridiculousness will not show through.The paper is great this week though. It's almost all pictures, that I took! I have a two page spread from the rodeo, plus a 1,000 word story with another half page of photos, plus a two page spread of photos from the Robson Valley Music Festival. Then I filled a half page wth photos from a gymnastics practice today. I felt like I didn't write a lot, but looking at what I put out I did pretty good. What I did write was really long. I did more than one 1,000 worder. I guess I kicked ass a bit this week.

A bunch of photos didn't make it in this week, believe it or not with my fourty billion spreads, so here's a few. The photos are unedited, forgive the darkness of the rodeo ones:

Inside the salmon.


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