Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Giving it all away

Student loans randomly took $230 out of my account last night. I am supposed to be an repayment assistance, because I cannot afford that payment each month. Clearly it is not working. Everytime I figure out my money situation, student loans does something to fuck it all up, and I am so damn frustrated about it.

Because of that payment coming out without my knowledge, my rent cheque nearly bounced. My first rent payment. I had to call my mom and get her to send me the money, out of her vacation fund. I feel so incredibly guilty about borrowing from her.

I called student loans and asked them for my money back and they said "There was no administration error on our part, so the money cannot be returned." But there was an administration error. Apparently the problem resulted from me somehow owing them $76 in interest (I'll get to that outrageous amount later). Instead of just taking that amount out, they took out the entire $230 payment I can't afford.

This month I had about $200 earmarked for what I now call my Josh fund. That money is all gone now. Thank you Government of Canada. If it's not one thing, it's the other. I am so frustrated.

I kept getting letters from student loans telling me I was overdue on my payments. I phoned and asked them what it was about, and they told me to ignore them. They kept coming. Obviously by taking their advice I screwed myself over, apparently. How is it that the department that deals with overdue loans, and the one dealing with repayment assistance can not communicate with each other? Who the hell is running student loans? Because they are doing a really shitty job.

On to how much the government makes off me. I am being charged $76 a month in just interest payments. This is supposed to be a cheap loan for Canadian students to get their post secondary education. It is not cheap. I absolutely cannot afford a $230 payment each month on top of my bank loans, B.C. loans, car payment, insurance and rent. If I have to pay this $230 a month, I will literally have to go without food. Great.

Getting into school I dealt with getting declined from Concordia University due to an administrative mistake. Getting my transcripts from College of the Rockies was a huge pain too. Then I went to school, I did my work and I graduated. Some screw up at SAIT ensured I did not get a physical copy of my diploma. Now that I am out in the workforce I am constantly being punished by student loans for bettering myself and trying to live my dream.

There is something so fundamentally wrong with that. No wonder so many people are choosing not to go to post secondary education. It almost isn't worth the hassle.


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