Sunday, August 1, 2010

It rushes into my heart and my skull....

1.Elaborate on your facebook picture?
Josh and I at Pat and Mary's rehearsal dinner. I was really hungry and stealing appetizers everytime a waitress walked by. They were delicious. PS, our matching outfits was totally not on purpose, we just roll like that.

2. What's your current relationship status?
I am Josh-ified.

3. Ever have a near-death experience?
I don't think so. Maybe when that dog bit me when I was 5 or so....he almost bit my jugular. Would not have been cool!

4. Name an obvious quality you have.
Tall. Why do I have to name it if it's obvious?

5. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
Feel it in my bones - Tiesto featuring Tegan and Sarah.

6. Name a celebrity you would marry?
I wouldn't marry any.

7. Who will cut and paste this first?
No one! I am bored!

8. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
Yea, a few people have told me I look like Julia Roberts, but I think that's ridiculous. She has a lot of teeth.

9. Do you wear a watch?
I have a cool watch but the battery died. I need to get it fixed.

10. Do you have anything pierced
Three in each side of my ear and one in the cartiledge, my eyebrow and two in my belly button.

11. Do you have any tattoos?
Yep. A HIM thing on my hip. I really love it.

12. Do you like pain?

13. Do you like to shop?
If I had money to shop, I would love to.

14. What was the last thing you paid for with a debit card?
A bottle of water and a lunchable for my adventure today.

15. What is your favorite lamp that you own?
I have one lamp, and it and I have no special bond.

16. How many TVs are in your house?

17. What is on your desktop background?
Me and Josh kissing at a bar in Kansas City. hehehe.

18. What is the background on your cell phone?
Me and Josh in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Do you detect a theme here?

19. What was the last movie you watched in theaters:

20. What was the last book you read?
A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, the thank you gift from Pat and Mary's wedding.

21. Do you talk in your sleep?

23. Did you ever have a party that was busted by the cops?

24. Current Crush?

25. What's your favorite color(s)?
Purple, even though I'm sure everyone assumes pink.

26. Window seat or aisle seat?
On a plane? Window.

27. Something you're glad you did recently?
Spent $15 on gas to go to the Athabasca Falls, Maligne Lake, Medicine Lake and Lake Edith. Awesome weekend!

28. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
I think in the past six months I have taken every possible step towards where I want to go. I wouldn't say successful about anything that happened before then though.

29. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

30. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Oprah all the way.

31. Baseball or Football?
Ugh. Neither. But I don't mind playing baseball.

32. How long do your showers last?
Five minutes to a half an hour.

33. Do you know how to drive a stick?
Yesssss. My car is one.

34. Cake or ice cream?
Ice Cream cake.

35. Are you self-conscious?
Nope! Not anymore.

36. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?

37. Do you like to party?
I do, thank you.

38. What is your favorite part of the Day / Night?
When I get home from work.

39. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Yep. once, but it was kinda unnecessary. Some mail lady witnessed me falling off my horse and freaked out, even though I wasn't injured and made Dad feel guilty about not calling one. It was weak. I think I bruised my leg, that was it.

40. Can you tango?
I can't dance at all.

41. Last gift you received?
Eeeeeee! Josh's prezzie!

42. Last sport you played?
What? Never.

43. What would you like to spend a lot of time doing?
Adventuring, riding my horse, doing nothing at all with Josh.

44. Last wedding attended?
Pat and Mary's

45. Favorite drink?
Water. I know, boring right?

46. Most hated person?

47. Can you sing?
All aloney on my owney, haha. Or when I'm in my car and the Distillers come on. I have to.

48. Last person that called you?
My Dad.

49. What's your least favorite chore?
Vacuuming. Good thing I don't have a vacuum here. Huzzah.

50. Favorite people?
My family, Josh and my friends. This question is stupid.

51. Have you been on a cruise?

52. Are you a vegetarian?
I like meats.

53. Do you believe in Heaven?
I think so, yes. Nothingness at the end sure is a lonely thought.

54. Favorite show?
Gossip Girl, although the ridiculousness is getting a bit old.

55. What jewelry do you wear?
Earrings, belly button rings and my eyebrow ring at all times. I put a necklace on the other day and hope to keep it on for awhile, since I just got all my jewelry back.

56. Are you eating?
Nope. About to go to bed.

57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

58. Do you make commitments?

59. Can you dance?

60. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Nope. I like myself.

61. What do you wear to bed?
A tank top.

62. Have you ever done anything illegal?

64. What kind of shoes are you wearing?
Bug bites and blisters.

65. What is your hair color?
Black, pink and purple.

66. Future child's name?
Josh will have a heart attack all the way in Florida if I answer this question.

67. Do you listen to old music ?
Sometimes. I find a lot of it overplayed though. Except for Queen. I can't get enough of Freddy Mercury.

68. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Right now, Florida. But if we're dreaming big, back to Europe to see more of the U.K.

69. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
hehehe, yes. A giant polar bear.

70. If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Pay off all my debts, buy out my car and give a huge chunk to my parents, then get Josh up to freaking Canada for awhile!

71. Gold or silver?
White gold.

72. If you could be with someone for the rest of your life, who would it be?
hahaha, Josh is smelling burnt toast...

73. City, beach or country?
I really have no preference between those. I'd like to try beach living I suppose, since I've lived in Calgs and in Meadowbrook.

74. What was the last thing you touched?
My keyboard? I blew my nose a kleenex.

75. Where did you eat out last?
KFC. Yum yum.

76. When's the last time you cried?
Back in Whitehorse! I am on to bigger, brighter and happier things in Jasper.

77. Do you read blogs?
If they are clever, yes.

78. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
I don't see any time this need would arise for me.

79. Ever been involved with the police?
Yea, when I got mugged, lol. I had to make a statement.

80. Do you have pets?
Not anymore. Miss you Kya!

81. Who do you tell everything to?
I tell Josh lots of stuff, and my mommy.

82. Would you tattoo someone's name on your body?
That's not really my style.

83. Do you have any "friends with benefits"?

84. Where is your most ticklish spot?
I'm kind of ticklish all over depending on what mood I'm in.

85. Do you have over 200 MySpace friends?
I would imagine so, including bands, but I haven't been on Myspace in probably a year.

86. Who were you with today?
Just myself. I chatted with my landlord for like five minutes when I dropped off my rent. It was a good day.

87. Do you have a favorite number?
8. Don't know why.

88. When you go to the mall what is one store that you go into every time?
Stoneridge! But it's only in Chinook.

89. What do you carry with you at all times?

90. What do you miss most about being little?
Heather, and living with my sister.

91. Are you happy with your given name?
Very happy. It's unique.

92. What was the last song you were listening to?
According to iTunes it was either Tiesto ft. T & S or Pendulum.

93. Whats something that bothers you about girls?
Volleyball players always have to dress skanky. Why? Does it really help you play better?!

94. Where were you at 3:02 AM this morning?
Sleeping in the cloud bed.

95. What was the first thing you thought this morning?
"I have nothing to do today, and I slept in. AWESOME."

96. What are you doing tomorrow?

97. Is something bothering you?
I should be sleeping, and I miss Josh.

98. Are you a forgiving person?
Unfortunately, but I am learning to only be around the people that make me happy. It's a positive change.

99. Has something embarrassing happened to you today?

100. Have you shaved your legs in the past 3 days?
hahahaha, no. My boyfriend lives in Florida, the only person that has to look at them is me.

103. What did you do today?
Drove to Maligne Lake, Medicine Lake and swam at Lake Edith. It was damn cold! Then I talked to Josh for about two hours.

104. Do you have more than 1 best friend?
I have three very, very close friends I would say are all my best friends. Then there's Ally.

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