Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can I play?

I covered the kid's thing at the rodeo today. They got pony rides, and cotton candy, and face painting and roping lessons....all this made me think. Why can't I join in? I'm still a five year old at heart, really!

So this weekend has left me realizing I am 22. It usually takes me a month or so to realize I have in fact aged a year. I have also realized I miss my horse immensely (as previously mentioned). The last thing I have discovered is that I love my relationship, and I've never been happier in that way. I sure do wish I could see him though.

I broke down and spent $12 on some bread, butter and a bag of chips and dip. I know I know, I picked the most expensive option for my binging. I told myself this too, but there's one thing about me I can't control, and that's my stupid junk food cravings. I also discovered the creme egg chocolate bar has come to Canada. FINALLY! We saw them in London two years ago, and we lamented the fact that the Creme Egg is not available year round. I think I have discussed at length my love of Creme Eggs, so I won't go there. What I can say, is that I am pretty damn excited.

It's a damn good thing I don't have any money to buy more. Mmm mmm!

I've had a very violent day actually, thinking about it now. There's been a 48 Hours Mystery marathon on, and I've watched like, four eppies. In between that I've watched several eppies of Dexter. I think I'm destined to be a court reporter, but I'm sketchy about the law side of that. Also the fact that court stories seem to get reporters into trouble all the time, and I really prefer to be a peaceful journalist. Perhaps I should apply for a job with 48 Hours. Hehehe.

Anyway. I'm full of chips, and kind of feel like going to bed. It's almost midnight. I have to go to the Robson Valley Music Festival tomorrow. It should be a good day. I think I havea few photos to put up from the past weekish.

The whistle stop wedding. A fun story I got to do!

A near worker's comp situation.

These pictures didn't run because the background sucked and I had better shots,
but the Flatland BMX was really cool.
This is Chris Pergentile.


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