Thursday, August 12, 2010


I'm trying something new with my hair. Wish me luck. I ended up with dye all over my face and hands. That's usually a sign of a job well done. I finally tracked down the sources from a tough school board story I've been working on. I harrassed until they called. This is a lesson people should learn, I will not take an answering machine as an answer!

I really have nothing to report, but I have my dye in so I have to sit upright and not snuggle into my chair like I want to. I made yummy fried rice and a pork chop for dins. I keep wanting to nibble on it. Num num num.

I'm off to Calgs tomorrow. I'm so friggin' excited. I really feel homesick lately, and I can't wait to get to my beloved city for some party time! I'm going to drink my little face off. I think I'm going to pack my stuff tonight and put it all in my car on the way to work, so I can take off right at 5!! Or perhaps I'll work through the lunch hour so I can be in by 7. Hopefully Ally can pick me up some Wodka for celebrations. We're both so poor, but I'm going to make the most of the $100 I'll have to spend -- including gas.

Right now I'm watching MASH. I'm a huge nerd. Today I wrote a story about a Led Zeppelin cover band and I was so out of my league, trying to write like I was a fan. I do like Led Zep, but I don't listen to them religiously. I love D'yer Maker, which Ally introduced me to. Perhaps this should be my encouragement to listen to more!

I guess I'll go, because none of this is interesting. Bye!


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