Saturday, August 28, 2010

All the survivors

I'm having a lazy day. Last night I got sick after a few glasses of wine last night and I still feel crappy today. Not fun. Therefore I spent the morning in bed, Skyping with Josh. It's funny how with Skype we've managed to do everyday things. Like on Thursday night I ended up drinking wine and having an awesome time with him and his friend Ian. The next morning wasn't so much fun though. I forgot how much I hate being hungover.

The furnace in the house I live in is INSANE. I'm always cold, but holy, I'm boiling! It's going to be a good winter then!

Now I'm getting some new music, and I am largely disappointed. I got some Dragonette, AFI and Metric. So far the Metric is good, the AFI makes me want to puke more. To the point that I gave up picking which songs I want on my iPod, because the answer is NONE. Dragonette is alright. But seriously, what is happening with new music today? When I was younger I'd spend the day searching for new music and actually yield some results, but I'm coming up with nothing here. Feel free to offer any suggestions, dear readers.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Stop it

I've noticed that a lot of my Canadian friends spend a lot of time bitching about Americans. I think I need to speak up here, as the girlfriend of a very lovely American, who is just so far from the stereotype everyone goes off on.

I have to say I bought into these things too, but Josh said one thing that changed my entire perspective. He said that 51 per cent of Americans are the die-hard Republicans, the tea partiers, and the stereotypes. But the other 49 per cent are just like all of us up here in Canada.

I met such an amazing bunch of people in Josh's friends. I feel like I fit in right away. I really hate seeing the American trashing on Facebook, because it is so not true to what I have seen. Travelling through the U.S., people were friendly and helpful. Yea we saw the simple redneck types, I remember one town in Wyoming in particular that Josh and I giggled our way through. But no one cared that I was from Canada. People were interested. They asked questions when they found out I was from the north. I even had one woman (who's husband is a Canadian) ask me to pronounce certain words for her. She'd laugh, I sipped my wine, and we all walked away respecting each other and enjoying the conversation.

Also, the myth that Americans are not educated is ridiculous. A lot of that one comes from people who have not stepped outside of a high school education themselves. Sorry guys.

I just think it's stupid to sit around casting an entire country full of people into one category. Those of you doing the trashing obviously haven't figured out that hey, media is biased! This comes from a reporter, too. What sells in newspapers is the insane tea party philosophy and anti-health care fanatics. What doesn't sell is amazing, happy and friendly Americans, like Josh, his friends and family. I think Josh's 51/49 ratio might even be off, but he is the expert I suppose!

So please stop it. You're all making yourselves sound stupid. Besides a few expectations of cliched Canadiana and the odd giggle when I say eh, I have never been welcomed so warmly by a group of people in my entire life.

Annalee, a Canadian very much in love with an American.

Kick Ass

Ah the food rationing has begun. I am allocating myself one half of a bagel in the morning, a sandwich at lunch, and if I absolutely must, I have three fruit cups and a granola bar to be dispersed in between. Today I went without, I'm pretty proud. Then I am allowed dinner, with a hunk of chicken, and I have about two portions of instant mashed potatos left, and a little bit of broccoli to last till the 3rd. Stay living with your parents people, they may piss you off but at least they will always have tasty vittles in the fridge for you.

My head is in a cloud this week for some reason. I had to ask Cameron how to spell "steep", and had several retarded moments where my foot was stuck in my mouth today. But the paper got sent out, and hopefully my ridiculousness will not show through.The paper is great this week though. It's almost all pictures, that I took! I have a two page spread from the rodeo, plus a 1,000 word story with another half page of photos, plus a two page spread of photos from the Robson Valley Music Festival. Then I filled a half page wth photos from a gymnastics practice today. I felt like I didn't write a lot, but looking at what I put out I did pretty good. What I did write was really long. I did more than one 1,000 worder. I guess I kicked ass a bit this week.

A bunch of photos didn't make it in this week, believe it or not with my fourty billion spreads, so here's a few. The photos are unedited, forgive the darkness of the rodeo ones:

Inside the salmon.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Move over Gordo

On Thursday I am possibly taking my most exciting photograph yet. Move over Gordon Campbell (who I interviewed last year). Lance Armstrong is taking your place.

Not that my interview with the premier was that great. I had no reason to interview him but they offered a time slot with him and I therefore was obligated. It was an election formality. Looking back now I wish I would have asked him a few more questions, such as, "Why aren't you informing the Kimberley media off your trip there?" and other issues surrounding the closure of the hospital.

But Lance Armstrong is the most famous person I'll have contact with. I'm sure I won't be able to actually meet him, but still very cool. I'll let you know how it goes. I expect a media circus -- the Edmonton Journal is sponsoring it and CTV news has been advertising it on TV. I am prepared to use my tallness and elbows for this assignment.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sleep, hippies and an anniversary

I climbed inside of a gigantic salmon today to chill with some kids, after chasing around some bats, frogs and butterflies. The music was great. Folksie, acoustic and melodic. The smell of nag champa was sweet and almost burned into the wool each person had clamped around their body to keep out the cold. The rain however did not stay out of the wool, and some people created makeshift ponchos out of garbage bags. They were happy. A.k.a. I spent my day at the hippy-fest that is the Robson Valley Music Festival. I'll put some pictures up later on of the salmon. It was pretty rad.

As described, it was cold. I discovered I only left one mitten in my car after the Yukon Quest, when I last was in my car in weather cold enough for mittens. I guess I was premature in putting them away. I didn't know that while driving to Jasper you went through a time-warp that transfered me back into the Yukon.

Today is Josh and I's six month anniversary. I can't wait to get to six more, and then after that six more, and more and more.

Me and Josh in Whitehorse in February.

Us in Arches National Park in Juneish. Turns out underneath that beard was one hell of a catch.

Back to the nag champa, I really love the smell of it, but I just can't buy any incense that smells like it because I don't want people to get the wrong idea and think I'm a hippy. I also don't want Montana thinking I'm a hippy and setting up hippy traps (ie. sharp objects left on the floor pointy side up so that hippys, who don't wear shoes or socks, step on them) because I'm sure it hurts even with socks on.

I am nearly onto a peanut butter and jam diet. I do have dinner supplies, but all other meals are PBJs or grilled cheese, and I'm running out of cheese slices fast. This is going to be a slim couple weeks. Turns out I may have to work Labour Day so the little plan brewing in my brain to sneak home for the long weekend has been destroyed. Oh well. I can't afford it either and I need to go to Phoenix instead. I can't wait!

Anyway, it's 10:29 and I should be on my way to bed. Although this morning I had a lovely sleep. It's weird how my weekend sleeps differ from my weekday sleeps. On the weekend I sleep soundly, fall asleep right away and wake up naturally. During the week I toss and turn and can't fall asleep till well after 1 or 2 a.m. Then I wake up jolted by my alarm, overtired and pissed off. I guess because on the weekend I have nothing to wake up for. Or it's because 9 a.m. is a godawful early time to go to work for a person like me.

I'll continue with my napping regimen till I crack the code of my sleep habits.


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can I play?

I covered the kid's thing at the rodeo today. They got pony rides, and cotton candy, and face painting and roping lessons....all this made me think. Why can't I join in? I'm still a five year old at heart, really!

So this weekend has left me realizing I am 22. It usually takes me a month or so to realize I have in fact aged a year. I have also realized I miss my horse immensely (as previously mentioned). The last thing I have discovered is that I love my relationship, and I've never been happier in that way. I sure do wish I could see him though.

I broke down and spent $12 on some bread, butter and a bag of chips and dip. I know I know, I picked the most expensive option for my binging. I told myself this too, but there's one thing about me I can't control, and that's my stupid junk food cravings. I also discovered the creme egg chocolate bar has come to Canada. FINALLY! We saw them in London two years ago, and we lamented the fact that the Creme Egg is not available year round. I think I have discussed at length my love of Creme Eggs, so I won't go there. What I can say, is that I am pretty damn excited.

It's a damn good thing I don't have any money to buy more. Mmm mmm!

I've had a very violent day actually, thinking about it now. There's been a 48 Hours Mystery marathon on, and I've watched like, four eppies. In between that I've watched several eppies of Dexter. I think I'm destined to be a court reporter, but I'm sketchy about the law side of that. Also the fact that court stories seem to get reporters into trouble all the time, and I really prefer to be a peaceful journalist. Perhaps I should apply for a job with 48 Hours. Hehehe.

Anyway. I'm full of chips, and kind of feel like going to bed. It's almost midnight. I have to go to the Robson Valley Music Festival tomorrow. It should be a good day. I think I havea few photos to put up from the past weekish.

The whistle stop wedding. A fun story I got to do!

A near worker's comp situation.

These pictures didn't run because the background sucked and I had better shots,
but the Flatland BMX was really cool.
This is Chris Pergentile.


Friday, August 20, 2010


It's mitten weather here in Jasper. Since I woke up this morning the weather has improved from 5 C to 10 C. The smoke from B.C.'s five billion fires is blocking out the sun and destroying my summer. Thanks jerks.

I got a call from Dad last night. He was surprised to find I was struggling to put my pjs on while holding the phone with the other side. He asked why I was putting my pjs on and I was like uh, Dad, it's 10:30! He was a little tipsy and chatty. We talked for awhile. I miss him. He's having a big garage sale this weekend, hopefully cleaning out the barn!

I took photos at the rodeo last night. After my photography lesson I got some awesome photos of the bucking horses. While I hate rodeo sports, I do love being around horses in any capacity. The barrel racing made me miss my horse so much. I really wish I could board him here. I mentioned that to Dad and he asked me how much it would cost and got a little excited, but it just isn't financially feasible for either of us. I wish my horsey was around so I had something to do.
With the weather so cold I guess my weekend is going to be all work no fun. Although my assignments this weekend kinda rock. I have the rodeo, and the Robson Valley Music Festival in Dunster. It should be great. Hopefully I can post some photos one of these days, but check out the Fitzhugh for my stuff this week.


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Who are you?

I have some faithful readers who repeatedly visit my blog from strange areas, and I don't know who you are. I have someone from Moscow, who has visited at least three times, including twice in the past week. I recently had someone from Germany, Mulheim to be exact. That right people, I can tell.

Another one that baffles me is the constant visitor from Penticton, B.C. I can't think of anyone I know from there. Facebook ppicks me up as being from Spruce Grove, which is rather annoying. Then I can't tell if someone from Spruce Grove is actually visiting, or if it's just me. Where the heck is Spruce Grove anyway? Someone from Beverly Hills, California visited a week ago. That one baffled me.

Somebody arrived on my blog from Cranbrook be searching for Pita Wrapbit and calories. I like that they were probably searching for a diet or something, and they got "OMG I MISS PITA WRAPBIT!!!" I really do, you know. When are you opening your Jasper chapter?

I know that Phoenix, Arizona on Google Chrome is Josh. Hi! He's the only one I've been able to narrow down, even with his constant jumping around. Some others that confuse me, the Alaska Peninsula, Manchester and a few others.

The meaning for all this, reveal yourselves, please! You visit, read, take multiple visits, so leave some comments, alright? Love you long time.

Anyway. I had a chat with one of the Fitzhugh owners who has a camera shop today. It was great. He gave me a quick flash lesson and I'm off to the rodeo to try not to piss off the bulls to re-enact this (seriously, are these people surprised when this shit happens?). Josh and I finally got a real chat tonight. We've both been insanely busy so the skype chatting has been pretty thin.

I have much to report but I unfortunately have to get to work. I'll express how much I hate rodeos later. But seriously you guys, leave comments, k?


Monday, August 16, 2010

Cool cool cool

Just a quick note.

I had a cool day at work. I can't say why though. It'll be in the paper on Thursday, so read it! It all amounted to a very consistent day. Busy, but not insane.

Josh found a nice place in Phoenix! I can't wait to visit. It has a pool. He said it was like 41 C today. I'm going to melt. Eek. I will need many popsicles and a lot of pool time. Can't wait.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ladies, no gentlemen

I had so much freaking fun in Calgary with my best friends! Eeee. We haven't hung out with no boys around in so long. It was epic.

On Saturday I crawled out of bed and headed up to Airdrie to see Tash. We went window shopping at Cross Iron Mills mall. I nearly bought hermit crabs. They sell them at a little kiosk, and you can get them the coolest painted shells! I will get one some day! You have to buy two so they can have a little buddy because they are really social. It was a bit of a ridiculous purchase, considering I need an oil change so I kept myself from splurging. Tasha bought me some awesome lace tights and a caramel apple. She rocks.

After that I picked up Jess and she took me up the Calgary Tower for freeeee. She tried to force me to walk on the glass floor but I refused. Then we went and picked up Sam Hanna, who I haven't seen in at leasta year. We tried to find this shirt Tasha had that I liked, but were unsuccessful. Then we dropped Sam off and went for dinner at Olive Garden. After we went to Ally's and the insanity began. We all got ready and argued over my outfit. Tasha and Jess said they weren't going to drink, but that is generally unacceptable when you are around Ally and I. They were easily convinced.

We ended up at Back Alley because Rick was supposed to go there. He did not. But we had just a ridiculous time. After we went and got pizza, and because I'm an idiot I held everyone up because the last time I got in a cab with my deliciously ranch-covered pizza I dropped it face down in the car. The driver was unimpressed. While we were getting out pizza this psycho girl started calling us all hoes. It was pretty hilarious.

The drive home was beautiful as usual. I stopped and took a picture at Tangle Creek finally. When I'm not so lazy I'll put it up!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I'm trying something new with my hair. Wish me luck. I ended up with dye all over my face and hands. That's usually a sign of a job well done. I finally tracked down the sources from a tough school board story I've been working on. I harrassed until they called. This is a lesson people should learn, I will not take an answering machine as an answer!

I really have nothing to report, but I have my dye in so I have to sit upright and not snuggle into my chair like I want to. I made yummy fried rice and a pork chop for dins. I keep wanting to nibble on it. Num num num.

I'm off to Calgs tomorrow. I'm so friggin' excited. I really feel homesick lately, and I can't wait to get to my beloved city for some party time! I'm going to drink my little face off. I think I'm going to pack my stuff tonight and put it all in my car on the way to work, so I can take off right at 5!! Or perhaps I'll work through the lunch hour so I can be in by 7. Hopefully Ally can pick me up some Wodka for celebrations. We're both so poor, but I'm going to make the most of the $100 I'll have to spend -- including gas.

Right now I'm watching MASH. I'm a huge nerd. Today I wrote a story about a Led Zeppelin cover band and I was so out of my league, trying to write like I was a fan. I do like Led Zep, but I don't listen to them religiously. I love D'yer Maker, which Ally introduced me to. Perhaps this should be my encouragement to listen to more!

I guess I'll go, because none of this is interesting. Bye!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Busy busy busy

Ahhh, such a gloriously busy week we have just started (Yes, I know it's Wednesday but I'm on a weekly newspaper schedules thank you very much!). We're trying to bank some stories because our interim editor, Larry, is going to Vancouver in a few weeks. What this means it that I get to write like a billion stories. Eeeee! I love busy-ness.

In other news, I'm off to Calgary this weekend for a little vacation. I don't have a lot of money, but I'm going anyways. I'm feeling really home sick this week, so it will be nice to see Ally and everyone. Tina and J-pighs have the afternoon off on Saturday, so I'm really looking forward to drinking wine with them! I haven't seen Tina in months. I'm missing Josh a lot. He's in North Carolina for the week until he flies to Phoenix to start his very exciting new life at Arizona State!

Hopefully I will be able to start saving money soon. Stupid student loans really screwed me. All of that money would have gone to my Josh fund. I would have been halfway to a plane ticket already. It's so frustrating to have no way to get to him. Argh!

I'm still recovering from my hike. My legs are sore, but it was so much fun, and so worth it. I want to do the Valley of the Five Lakes and the Cavell Meadows before the summer ends. Both of those are fairly popular, so I should be able to do them myself without getting eaten by bears. Whether I can do it without getting lost, however, is a different problem entirely. But I'm looking forward to attempting it!

So besides being busy and missing my Josh, I have been cleaning and laundering and messing it all up again. I sure do love my little house. It's very comfortable, but I would accept a donation of a couch.

Anyway, it's my lunch break. I might have a bit of KD before I head back.


Sunday, August 8, 2010


My hike was amazing today! I did eight kilometres, and I am so tired but proud to say I did it! I can't wait to do the Cavell Meadows and the Valley of the Five Lakes. The meadows is only 6 km, I really wanted to do that one, and now I know I can!

The guide, Peter was so great. He told me to come back and bring Josh when he comes up, for free!! I can't wait, I know Josh will love the hike, and this time he can see me do it for real. Here's a few pictures. I'm really exhausted. I'll write more about it tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep on my keyboard! I can't post too mny photos for now, since I'm hoping to have a few in the Fitzhugh. Such an amazing day. I love jasper so much!Me before the hike, all outfitted with the stuff they lent me and regretting my decision already!

A chunk of ice. It's so clear and has little air bubbles from thousands of years ago in it!

Andromeda Mountain with another glacier.

Me at the top! Alive! I did it!

Anyway, I'm exhausted. The cloud bed is made, my teeth are brushed and I'm in my pjs. Off I go!


Can't believe

I've got a few more photos! It's been a few weeks, so I figure these are good to go. I think I'm getting better, because just looking at the shots I have that I can't post yet, I'm so excited about them! Here's a few from last week's paper, some stuff I'm really proud of!

A poppy with a little friend, in a garden on the Secret Garden Tour.

Some peonies at a stop on the garden tour.

Fred Eaglesmith and his band, made up of Tiffany and Britt Ginn of the Fabulous Ginn Sisters. They played Jasper a few weeks ago.

These next shots; Cameron had a story about Jasper during the long weekend. I was tasked to get a photo that illustrated how busy the Park was during the Heritage Day long weekend (which I did not get off, I should mention!!!) This is what I came up with.

Holy suitcases Batman! This shot was not technically difficult, but I had to dodge five billion tourists.

We ran a different version of this photo, but this one has level of insanity to it that I love.

I have tons more that are in the paper this week, can't wait to post them for everyone!! Our paper was great this week, I'm really proud of it, and this weekend should yield an exciting one for this coming Thursday as well! Tomorrow I get to go on an Ice Walk at the Columbia Glacier. I read the website. I'm in for either a three hour hike or six hour one. Hope I survive it!!! I'm bringing the Yashica and the Canon. We'll see what I come up with.

Today I battled with Nikon telephotos and the competition in Hinton, and I have to say my 55 mm Canon stock lens held its own. I'm really proud of what I got. I mean, I don't have the range of a telephoto, but I seem to constantly turn out something I'm proud of. The chance of me being able to afford a decent lens in the next year or so is completely non-existant, so I'm really happy to make due with what I have. So I can't shoot action 100 metres away, I can shoot it up close just fine, and I'm developing my photography skills with every frame I shoot.

I love my job. Can't believe I get paid for this!


Thursday, August 5, 2010


My story list for this week is a bit aggrevating. Almost everything on the 15 item list is to happen over the weekend or on Monday. So from yesterday till tomorrow I'm kind of sitting there, doing nothing. The few stories I was able to do this week are already done. I organized an interview for Monday with a kid who spent the past month in Seattle working for an architectural firm in Seattle, after being turned down by Jasper's sustainable living committee. I have to chase down the other kid who went, but i left a message. It'll all fall into place.

I have a busy weekend. I'm going to Hinton for a skateboard festival, and there's a really cool art exhibit I'm going to check out and hopefully do a feature on the artist.

Next weekend I'm off to Calgs to see Ally for the weekend. I'm going to be totally poor, but I'm determined to go this time. If all I can afford is gas, I'm happy. Oh, and a cupcake from Crave. i read Josh's blog post (I got an advanced copy, I feel so important) and he talked about our stop at the cupcake store, and now I have to go. MMMMMm Princess with chocolate cake and strawberry flavoured icing!

I have feeling if you were able to search the archives of my blog and facebook page, the majority of posts would mention cupcakes in some capacity. I have a problem.

Anyways. I'm on lunch break. I have a whole 35 minutes left. I took my lunch a bit later because I'm having such a boring day. Monday and Tuesday are going to be INSANE though!


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Giving it all away

Student loans randomly took $230 out of my account last night. I am supposed to be an repayment assistance, because I cannot afford that payment each month. Clearly it is not working. Everytime I figure out my money situation, student loans does something to fuck it all up, and I am so damn frustrated about it.

Because of that payment coming out without my knowledge, my rent cheque nearly bounced. My first rent payment. I had to call my mom and get her to send me the money, out of her vacation fund. I feel so incredibly guilty about borrowing from her.

I called student loans and asked them for my money back and they said "There was no administration error on our part, so the money cannot be returned." But there was an administration error. Apparently the problem resulted from me somehow owing them $76 in interest (I'll get to that outrageous amount later). Instead of just taking that amount out, they took out the entire $230 payment I can't afford.

This month I had about $200 earmarked for what I now call my Josh fund. That money is all gone now. Thank you Government of Canada. If it's not one thing, it's the other. I am so frustrated.

I kept getting letters from student loans telling me I was overdue on my payments. I phoned and asked them what it was about, and they told me to ignore them. They kept coming. Obviously by taking their advice I screwed myself over, apparently. How is it that the department that deals with overdue loans, and the one dealing with repayment assistance can not communicate with each other? Who the hell is running student loans? Because they are doing a really shitty job.

On to how much the government makes off me. I am being charged $76 a month in just interest payments. This is supposed to be a cheap loan for Canadian students to get their post secondary education. It is not cheap. I absolutely cannot afford a $230 payment each month on top of my bank loans, B.C. loans, car payment, insurance and rent. If I have to pay this $230 a month, I will literally have to go without food. Great.

Getting into school I dealt with getting declined from Concordia University due to an administrative mistake. Getting my transcripts from College of the Rockies was a huge pain too. Then I went to school, I did my work and I graduated. Some screw up at SAIT ensured I did not get a physical copy of my diploma. Now that I am out in the workforce I am constantly being punished by student loans for bettering myself and trying to live my dream.

There is something so fundamentally wrong with that. No wonder so many people are choosing not to go to post secondary education. It almost isn't worth the hassle.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

It rushes into my heart and my skull....

1.Elaborate on your facebook picture?
Josh and I at Pat and Mary's rehearsal dinner. I was really hungry and stealing appetizers everytime a waitress walked by. They were delicious. PS, our matching outfits was totally not on purpose, we just roll like that.

2. What's your current relationship status?
I am Josh-ified.

3. Ever have a near-death experience?
I don't think so. Maybe when that dog bit me when I was 5 or so....he almost bit my jugular. Would not have been cool!

4. Name an obvious quality you have.
Tall. Why do I have to name it if it's obvious?

5. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now?
Feel it in my bones - Tiesto featuring Tegan and Sarah.

6. Name a celebrity you would marry?
I wouldn't marry any.

7. Who will cut and paste this first?
No one! I am bored!

8. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
Yea, a few people have told me I look like Julia Roberts, but I think that's ridiculous. She has a lot of teeth.

9. Do you wear a watch?
I have a cool watch but the battery died. I need to get it fixed.

10. Do you have anything pierced
Three in each side of my ear and one in the cartiledge, my eyebrow and two in my belly button.

11. Do you have any tattoos?
Yep. A HIM thing on my hip. I really love it.

12. Do you like pain?

13. Do you like to shop?
If I had money to shop, I would love to.

14. What was the last thing you paid for with a debit card?
A bottle of water and a lunchable for my adventure today.

15. What is your favorite lamp that you own?
I have one lamp, and it and I have no special bond.

16. How many TVs are in your house?

17. What is on your desktop background?
Me and Josh kissing at a bar in Kansas City. hehehe.

18. What is the background on your cell phone?
Me and Josh in Glenwood Springs, Colorado. Do you detect a theme here?

19. What was the last movie you watched in theaters:

20. What was the last book you read?
A Conneticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, the thank you gift from Pat and Mary's wedding.

21. Do you talk in your sleep?

23. Did you ever have a party that was busted by the cops?

24. Current Crush?

25. What's your favorite color(s)?
Purple, even though I'm sure everyone assumes pink.

26. Window seat or aisle seat?
On a plane? Window.

27. Something you're glad you did recently?
Spent $15 on gas to go to the Athabasca Falls, Maligne Lake, Medicine Lake and Lake Edith. Awesome weekend!

28. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?
I think in the past six months I have taken every possible step towards where I want to go. I wouldn't say successful about anything that happened before then though.

29. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?

30. Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey?
Oprah all the way.

31. Baseball or Football?
Ugh. Neither. But I don't mind playing baseball.

32. How long do your showers last?
Five minutes to a half an hour.

33. Do you know how to drive a stick?
Yesssss. My car is one.

34. Cake or ice cream?
Ice Cream cake.

35. Are you self-conscious?
Nope! Not anymore.

36. Have you ever given money to a homeless person?

37. Do you like to party?
I do, thank you.

38. What is your favorite part of the Day / Night?
When I get home from work.

39. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?
Yep. once, but it was kinda unnecessary. Some mail lady witnessed me falling off my horse and freaked out, even though I wasn't injured and made Dad feel guilty about not calling one. It was weak. I think I bruised my leg, that was it.

40. Can you tango?
I can't dance at all.

41. Last gift you received?
Eeeeeee! Josh's prezzie!

42. Last sport you played?
What? Never.

43. What would you like to spend a lot of time doing?
Adventuring, riding my horse, doing nothing at all with Josh.

44. Last wedding attended?
Pat and Mary's

45. Favorite drink?
Water. I know, boring right?

46. Most hated person?

47. Can you sing?
All aloney on my owney, haha. Or when I'm in my car and the Distillers come on. I have to.

48. Last person that called you?
My Dad.

49. What's your least favorite chore?
Vacuuming. Good thing I don't have a vacuum here. Huzzah.

50. Favorite people?
My family, Josh and my friends. This question is stupid.

51. Have you been on a cruise?

52. Are you a vegetarian?
I like meats.

53. Do you believe in Heaven?
I think so, yes. Nothingness at the end sure is a lonely thought.

54. Favorite show?
Gossip Girl, although the ridiculousness is getting a bit old.

55. What jewelry do you wear?
Earrings, belly button rings and my eyebrow ring at all times. I put a necklace on the other day and hope to keep it on for awhile, since I just got all my jewelry back.

56. Are you eating?
Nope. About to go to bed.

57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

58. Do you make commitments?

59. Can you dance?

60. Would you ever have plastic surgery?
Nope. I like myself.

61. What do you wear to bed?
A tank top.

62. Have you ever done anything illegal?

64. What kind of shoes are you wearing?
Bug bites and blisters.

65. What is your hair color?
Black, pink and purple.

66. Future child's name?
Josh will have a heart attack all the way in Florida if I answer this question.

67. Do you listen to old music ?
Sometimes. I find a lot of it overplayed though. Except for Queen. I can't get enough of Freddy Mercury.

68. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Right now, Florida. But if we're dreaming big, back to Europe to see more of the U.K.

69. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
hehehe, yes. A giant polar bear.

70. If you won the lottery, what would you do first?
Pay off all my debts, buy out my car and give a huge chunk to my parents, then get Josh up to freaking Canada for awhile!

71. Gold or silver?
White gold.

72. If you could be with someone for the rest of your life, who would it be?
hahaha, Josh is smelling burnt toast...

73. City, beach or country?
I really have no preference between those. I'd like to try beach living I suppose, since I've lived in Calgs and in Meadowbrook.

74. What was the last thing you touched?
My keyboard? I blew my nose a kleenex.

75. Where did you eat out last?
KFC. Yum yum.

76. When's the last time you cried?
Back in Whitehorse! I am on to bigger, brighter and happier things in Jasper.

77. Do you read blogs?
If they are clever, yes.

78. Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?
I don't see any time this need would arise for me.

79. Ever been involved with the police?
Yea, when I got mugged, lol. I had to make a statement.

80. Do you have pets?
Not anymore. Miss you Kya!

81. Who do you tell everything to?
I tell Josh lots of stuff, and my mommy.

82. Would you tattoo someone's name on your body?
That's not really my style.

83. Do you have any "friends with benefits"?

84. Where is your most ticklish spot?
I'm kind of ticklish all over depending on what mood I'm in.

85. Do you have over 200 MySpace friends?
I would imagine so, including bands, but I haven't been on Myspace in probably a year.

86. Who were you with today?
Just myself. I chatted with my landlord for like five minutes when I dropped off my rent. It was a good day.

87. Do you have a favorite number?
8. Don't know why.

88. When you go to the mall what is one store that you go into every time?
Stoneridge! But it's only in Chinook.

89. What do you carry with you at all times?

90. What do you miss most about being little?
Heather, and living with my sister.

91. Are you happy with your given name?
Very happy. It's unique.

92. What was the last song you were listening to?
According to iTunes it was either Tiesto ft. T & S or Pendulum.

93. Whats something that bothers you about girls?
Volleyball players always have to dress skanky. Why? Does it really help you play better?!

94. Where were you at 3:02 AM this morning?
Sleeping in the cloud bed.

95. What was the first thing you thought this morning?
"I have nothing to do today, and I slept in. AWESOME."

96. What are you doing tomorrow?

97. Is something bothering you?
I should be sleeping, and I miss Josh.

98. Are you a forgiving person?
Unfortunately, but I am learning to only be around the people that make me happy. It's a positive change.

99. Has something embarrassing happened to you today?

100. Have you shaved your legs in the past 3 days?
hahahaha, no. My boyfriend lives in Florida, the only person that has to look at them is me.

103. What did you do today?
Drove to Maligne Lake, Medicine Lake and swam at Lake Edith. It was damn cold! Then I talked to Josh for about two hours.

104. Do you have more than 1 best friend?
I have three very, very close friends I would say are all my best friends. Then there's Ally.

Adventure day

I had a lovely adventure day today. With my $15 in gas, I drove the 44 km up to Maligne Lake. It was a beautiful drive, exaggerated by tourists driving 30, but I didn't mind for once. I put Tiesto ft. Tegan and Sarah's Feel it in my Bones on my iPod, and listened to it a few too many times. Here's some photos!

This is Maligne Lake. Tons of tourists, and the pretty side is only accessible by boat. Someday I hope to find someone to rent a canoe with and go to the other side. And by someone I mean Josh, hopefully!

A boat heading back to the dock at Maligne Lake.

Medicine Lake. Much calmer, with less tourists. It was gorgeous! Apparently it's only a lake for a few months in the summer. The rest of the year it's just a bunch of tiny creeks flowing through. It has something to do with cliffs beneath the ground in the Maligne Canyon that get overfilled with water as the spring thaw happens, so it filld Medicine Lake. Very cool!

Me at Medicine Lake!

So that was my Sunday. It was lovely. I guess my Saturday was kind of eventful, but I think I put photos up yesterday. So far I love Jasper. I can't believe how beautiful it is so close to home. All of the trips I've done so far have been a half an hour drive max. I'm excited to keep exploring and see some stuff off the beaten path a bit.

Edit: I did not put up photos of Athabasca Falls. Here they are!

The falls. Very cool! On the right side of them you can stand far out over them and the spray comes up and soaks you. It felt good on such a hot day!

The water was full of silt, like the White River in the Yukon. I nearly bailed after taking this picture. I'm too clumsy.