Monday, March 29, 2010

Take that, bitch

Kya kicked some pitbull ass this weekend. My little attack dog is seriously awesome. I love her. I don't however love our neighbour who let's her little demon pitbull wander around off leash and get into fights with my baby Husky!

I'm gonna getcha! I wouldn't want this coming after me, I don't think.

Kya has been so good lately, with the fighting. She has stopped being aggressive and timid. She even ran up to one of my neighbours (a guy even!) the other day wagging her tail. Whatever past she has seems to be gone now. I'm so happy!

But when an aggressive little beast pitbull approaches her ready to attack, I am totally down with her defending herself. She's such a wuss really. When we go for walks she hides behind me when dogs bark at her. I think the pitbull incident traumatized her a bit. Hopefully when Milo returns she doesn't get back to seeing him as a threat. Because really, he's just a little goofy and annoying, definitely not an enemy.

but then again the house has been a Kya-only zone for the past two weeks. I'm sure she has been enjoying it immensely. All-Kya, all the time. It's a good life! I was scared leaving her outside this morning, but really, what else am I going to do with her? Hopefully my stupid neighbour gets the freakin hint and ties her stupid mutt up.

My weekend was really nice. I didn't do too much, but I spent a lot of time outside, including a hike down Mt. Sima in my running shoes, which actually was not good times. I was driven up on a snowmobile and left to fend for myself to cover a ski and snowboard cross race. The track was pretty steep, I lost count of how many times I fell.

I finally got to talk to Josh this weekend a few times. He's feeling way better and finally ate something after his stomach flu. Let's hope he is FULLY over it by the time I get there in April! I also crammed a belly button ring back in my original one. I used a 16 gauge, and it turns out I was totally just allergic to the metal in that crappy flower ring I bought, and that's why it reacted so badly. The one I have in now is the one that was in my second hole, and it's doing just fine, no pain. In a few months, when Josh and I get to Kimberley in May, I can change it to a 14 gauge and all will be right in the world again.

I stayed up having a heart to heart with Ally last night, so I'm pretty tired. Every morning I say to Kya that I don't want to get up, but she doesn't really care. She just wags her fluffy little tail and looks at me with her pleading eyes, begging for me to take her for a walk. She seriously owns me. It is not the other way around. I cannot say no to her little puppy eyes. She is quite a dog.

Anyways, I miss Ally tons. I am so excited to see her when I get home in May. I hope she comes down to Kimberley for that weekend too...and I also hope she can make Vegas. I think doing Vegas without Ally would be a crime!! But I seriously miss my sister. It's getting ridiculous. This is now the longest I have ever been away from home, EVER. By May it will be five months. This is crazy. I miss my family!

I also miss my Mommy and Dad. And Molly, Blackberry and Zig. I even miss the little Dachsund Zeplin, and I've never met him before. I was thinking about Mollykins the other day and I giggled. I thought about what she's going to do when she sees me in May. Hopefully Josh won't be disgusted by her furball-tendencies and offensive smell. He seems to love dogs in whatever form they come in though. Another awesome thing we have in common.

It's Easter weekend coming up and I have limited funds to do anything for it, but I hope to make something tastey. I might do a stuffed chicken for when I see Josh, and try to attempt Mom's famous stuffing. I hope I can do it. It would be amazing. Yum yum! I must demand turkey for May. Although I also want lasagna. Maybe I can make pizza this weekend, another one of Mom's best dishes. I can't make it perfect yet, but I do an alright job.

Anyways, must be off.


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