Thursday, March 4, 2010

Scavenger Type

Josh is taking his sweet ass time with part four of his Yukon Quest series. I encourage him to hurry up, especially when you have faithful readers, such as me! I have also recruited my mom as a reader. 

So I suppose I could give you an update on life in general since returning from the Quest. Things have been rather fabulous. I've been home alone pretty much the entire time. Mel left for Vegas like the day after I got home or something. Maybe it was like a week after, but it was so freaking busy in Whitehorse with the Quest the week and a half or so following Hans Gatt's finish was all blurred into one crazy drunken ball. 

But good times were most definitely had by all. 

I am considerably poor this month, and have been scrounging for food and was prepared to begin pan handling for spare change, but Mom sent me a care package with a Walmart gift card and my GST cheque. Things are most certainly looking up. I have that money earmarked to buy dinner ingredients for Josh when he gets here, and a bottle of wine. Also my ticket to Real McKenzies. Last time I went to see them, it wasn't so much fun. I'm determined to do it right this year. 

I realized it is St. Patricks Day in twoish weeks. I hope I can find someone to go out with, cough cough, MEL! and celebrate. Like I said, Real McKenzies last year was not fun, so I need to make it up this year. 

I'm rocking a little bit of Neil Young at the moment. The Olympics made me appreciate him just that much more. Perhaps I will ask mom for some more songs of his to download after work. I need to revamp my iPod, there isn't much on it I like to listen to anymore. I need something new. Any suggestions? Maybe I should go back to my days of pre-teen angst when I would spend hours researching new bands to listen to. It's how I got into most of my music, primarily punk. 

My iPod is kind of on the fritz again. It did that thing it like to do where the buttons stop working and I had to charge it/restore it. It failed last night and finally decided to charge up enough this morning that I've had a lovely morning full of music. Mostly Paramore and Nofx. I also branched into some CCR and now Mighty Mighty Bosstones. 

I have a Pepsi and it is making my tummy hurt. But I was thirsty and there was no water around. I realize that drinking Pepsi defeats the purpose when you are thirsty but meh. It was tastey at the time. 

I made yummy sundried-tomato chicken fried rice last night for dinner and put it in a wrap for lunch today. I love doing that. It reminds me of Pita Wrapbit in Cranbrook.

Oh how I miss Pita Wrapbit. 

Josh was busy last night, and lifted his texting embargo. I felt bad wracking up his texting bill so only sent two. I wanted to say goodnight too, but opted for sending a Facebook message. It's free! He got back to me shortly after but I was already in bed. Waking up to lovely messages from him is just as good as going to sleep with them on my mind. 

Jen from the production posted some ridiculous pictures of me in the Rendezvous jail from the weekend. I am usually so tame, but once caged in prison I flipped the bird like it was going out of style. It was February afterall and I didn't have my sweater. I was also deep in conversation with Tom Patrick from the News when the whole fiasco went down. Jen is a really talented photographer though. I love her stuff, what I've seen so far. I have camera envy. 

I had to show my belly button to get out, and all I got was this lousy pin.

I finally got to buy some hairdye yesterday. I'm excited. I am so ridiculously overdue. I have about two inches of roots. The last time I fixed my hair was December before Christmas. I can't believe how fast it grows. I thought this whole growing out my hair thing would be much more painful, but I'm quite happy with the results. It has been a year and six months, and it's past my shoulders. Hooray!

I thought I had a ton of things to do next weekend, but it looks like I should be okay. I want to focus on Josh time not work time. I have at least secured myself the Saturday off. I would imagine he'll leave on Sunday morningish, so if I have to cover some stuff Sunday it won't be bad. I wish we didn't live so far away from each other, but I am enjoying the chatting time and getting to know each other better thing anyway. 

Keep having stupid nightmares about fighting and whatnot. I also had a dream that Eric killed some blonde chick and made me hide the body. Maybe I shouldn't be admitting that. Maybe it wasn't a dream - SHIT! Anyways, he made me hide the body and I did a really terrible job and put it in a dumpster. So just a word of advice, don't ask me to hide any bodies for you. I'll do a really shitty job. 

Eric was just in Calgary to visit Ally and refused to bring me cupcakes. He thought it was stupid, but when your last Crave cupcake was a year ago, shipping a box 2,500-kilometres of sweet, delicious cupcakes is far from stupid. The general concensus was that him and his friend would have killed those puppies before they even left Calgary. In fact, maybe they did bring me cupcakes but ate them already, and Ally just didn't wawnt to tell me. What terrible siblings I have. Sneaky!

Ah the Crave-licious. I crave-ify you at least thrice a day.


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