Friday, March 5, 2010


I am incredibly hung over, and blame Josh. We stayed up till like 1:30 a.m. last night on Skype. I drank two bottles of wine. Bad scene.

I have secured Sunday off. Or Saturday, whichever I choose. I have one photo to take all weekend. So exciting! I am going to sleep till 3 p.m.! I can't wait. Maybe I'll wash and clean out my car...bother Eric to change my oil - the possibilities are endless. Everything in the house is clean so that's off the list. Maybe I could sew? Mom sent me some patterns, and I have $20 left on my Walmart card. There's a really awesome skirt pattern in there. Eeeeeee. 
I also need a free adventure that Josh and I can take part in next weekend. I haven't been to too many places around Whitehorse. Perhaps the hot springs? I should go to the info centre and ask. 

Maybe we can go on the hunt for some northern lights. I wonder if it will be a good time to see them when he's here. 


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