Friday, March 26, 2010


I really have nothing of interest to write about today, but I could tell you the details of my lunch, because I had a very delicious sandwich. Who wants to read about that though.

Josh has been busy all week with work, and he has a friend visiting him so the Skype-ing has been very thin. Hopefully he will find the time tonight. I miss his face, lol.

We look very drunk in this photo. But seriously, how could you not miss him???

I took Kya for a real run last night after dinner. She loved it as usual. She is so patient with my inability to run more than 100 metres at a time. She just frolicks and sniffs things while I rest for another burst. My ultimate goal is to run her in the mile long Hot Hounds races when they start in May. I think she would do well, dragging me down the trails. They host them at Susie Rogan and Hans Gatt's place sometimes. It would be rad!! I miss Susie!

I've been taking some really rad photos the last few weeks. I think I'm getting better. I'm starting to get the hang of good angles and getting above the things I'm taking photos of. Case in point, my shots yesterday. I was quite proud of those. I just wish I could get my hands on better camera equipment, and maybe go back in time and buy a Nikon instead of my Canon. Although if I could get a better lens for my Canon, I'd do well. I will add it to my seemingly never ending list of stuff I really want to buy.

I'm looking forward to a weekend full of work. I'm currently on day 12 of an atleast 20 day streak of work, that could extend to a 27 day streak. Possibly more. I booked off the weekend of the 16th to 18th to go see Josh. Those are my only guaranteed days off. I'm going to leave right after deadline on Thursday, stop at the bank and then straight to Fairbanks. I should get there around midnight. Must get oil changed before then. Hopefully I will not have to stop, but my bladder is not a steel trap. I can't wait to take the Blue Moose on her first official road trip. I expect good things from her.

Maybe this weekend I'll head out and take some photos with my Canon. The Yukon is especially beautiful right now. I keep getting struck by beautiful views everywhere I go. I found this Russian camera that does 180 degree photos, that is my next camera purchase after my Diana. Hopefully I can convince Dad to chip in on the camera for my birthday.

Anyways, off I go.


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