Monday, March 8, 2010


I swore I would do nothing this weekend, but after work Friday things changed. I had a lengthy nap. I was brutally hung over after staying up till 1:30 a.m. the previous evening talking to Josh over Skype, and consuming two bottle of wine in the process. See Ow.

Mel asked if I wanted to go for a drive after. She had been out earlier with her truck and found a dog lying on the side of the road curled up in a ball. She said she needed to go check if it was still there. We hopped in the truck and away we went with a dish of food and Milo trying to eat the pompom off my hat. 

When we got to the pullout off the Alaska Highway north of Whitehorse, about 20 minutes out, there was a small furry form curled on the road. It was the dog, and as we got closer I could see it shivering in the cold. We stopped and hopped out. 

Mel offered it a dish of food, and after glancving at both of us anxiously, the dog's hunger overcame it's fear and it dug in. It gobbled up half the tray of food before Mel realized we might need some to lure her into the truck. We had decided we had to do something, and take her in to try to find her home. Mel went to grab the tray back and the dog snapped at her. Mel had to use her foot to kick the tray away gently before being able to grab it. Then she grabbed the dog's collar and scooted her towards the truck. The dog didn't have the strength to jump into the lifted truck by herself, so Mel scooped her up and put her down in the front seat. I jumped in the back and had the task of containing Milo as he excitedly wiggled back and forth trying to get a sniff of a potential new friend. 

When we got home, the dog was timid. It sat in the middle of the floor and began to slowly get calmer. With its tail still tucked between it's legs, I decided to take it for a walk. Around Goody's, the dog started to get excited. Her tail popped up and curled over and it began jumping around with a husky-equivalent of a smile. 

After the walk, I took the dog up to my room. I began brushing the matts out of its fur, and finally found out that it was a she, when she let me rub her belly. 

I brushed while watching TV, and soon my garbage can was full to the brim of her undercoat. I decided to name her Kya. I had thought the other day that it would be a good name for a husky, and here was my chance to use it. 

This is Kya:

Since Friday, when she was a timid little dog that had gone to survival mode, Kya has become the sweetest and strangest dog in the world. 

She loves walks, and has learned that when I reach for my coat on the hanger, it's time for one. She begins to stretch, yawning and wagging her fluffy tail, while jumping up and down and waiting impatiently. She loves to cuddle, but only in the mornings when I won't get up to take her for a walk. She knows when it's bed time, and that's the only time she comes up to my room. When I turn off the lights, she sneaks up to the side of my bed and drinks water out of the glass I always have at the side of my bed. In the morning when I do take her for walks, she trots along happily, and unlike a normal Husky, she just wants to sniff things and explore. She likes it when I run a bit behind her, but isn't too upset if I don't. 

When we're not out walking, she lays on the mat by the door and waits for the next walk. When I go downstairs she looks at me with her beautiful brown eyes so I just have to pet her. 

I took her out with Milo and Stacie's tiny dog Cash, and let her on a 40 foot rope or so. She viciously attacked Milo twice. Bad dog. On the ride home, she snuggled in next to me, leaning her tiny weight against my side.

She loves coming for car rides, and prefers the back seat for the most part, and drivers seat when I get out to run an errand. On Saturday, I took her out to a bonfire with Mel and a friend of hers let her off the leash. I was worried, but Kya came back whenever you called her, and only wawnted to run up to the car. So I let her in. A while later I checked on her, and she refused to come out and watch the Northern Lights with me. 

I bought her a bag of food, and treats. She refuses to eat it. She's a princess after all. The treats she will have when she feels like it. This morning I soaked her food in hot water hoping it might entice her. She was not interested. So I ripped up her little jerky treats, and mixed them in with the kibble. She sorted through the mush carefully, and picked out the jerky. 

Then to humor me, she sorted through it again, picked out the red kibble, and dropped it on the floor infront of the bowl. Then I had to clean it up. After the red kibble, she picked out the little bone shaped ones, but didn't want those either. 

This morning I left her in my room with her bowl of food. I expect to find little kibbles all over the place when I get back. Hopefully she doesn't wreck anything. I'll have to take her for a good walk when I get home. 

She's a pain in the ass, but I love her terribly. I do hope her owner comes forward, but wouldn't be all that sad if they didn't. Someone must be missing this beautiful dog. She can sit, stay and walk on a leash. She shook a paw yesterday, and knows what a good belly rub is like. She is so beautiful and calm. She's the most atypical husky I've ever met. 

If she does stay with us though, she needs to learn to be nicer to Milo. He just wants to share his chicken!


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