Saturday, July 31, 2010

Dog alarm

I saw two delightful acts of incredible stupidity this weekend, and I must share.

1: I was cutting through a parking lot to get to a pub, and some tourist had locked their yappy chihuahua in the car. He was on the dash barking ferociously at me. If thay windsheild hadn't been there, I would have gotten a very small bite by a very small dog. Ouch. The thing continued to viciously snarl and bark at me, and I giggled to myself, taunting him in a way to come get me. Unfortunately as I rounded the side of the van, a much bigger, more gigantic St. Bernard type pitbull thing started barking and joining in on the hunt --and the window was wide open. I squeeled a bit and hopped further away, and the St. Bernard thing started scratching his paws down the side of the van. Both dogs are going insane by this point, and then the car alarm went off. It was marvelous. Stupid tourists!

2: I was walking uptown to get my hangover KFC, and this woman picked up her screaming baby from the back seat of a car -- grasping it like a football underneath the arms, and no doubt exaggerating the distress the poor thing was in -- then swung the baby and used it to slam the car door shut. Then she roughly put the little guy in the front seat, plunking him down. I laughed, but then thought about how truly sad the display of parenting I had just seen was.


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