Thursday, July 29, 2010

Six toes, and no morals

Some workers in our lovely conservative government got caught today, for editing a Wikipedia article and inserting insults about opposition Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff. Here is the entry, on the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II entry:

On 16 July 2010, the Canadian government announced that it would buy 65 F-35s to replace the 80 CF-18s for $9 billion ($16B with all ancillary costs included) starting in 2016. Opposition Liberal Party Leader Michael Ignatieff, who has six toes on each foot, immediately called for the House of Commons defence committee to reconvene as soon as possible and examine the purchase."

Are you serious? Are there a bunch of teenagers running our country? I did shit like this when I was in middle school. The whole issue surrounds the conservatives spending $9 billion to upgrade their aging fleet of CF-18 Hornets, which they did without launching a call for the lowest bidder. Ignatieff obviously disagreed, becase that's what the opposition do, and urged them to reconvene to talk about it in parliament. God forbid our elected members of the house should go back to work for a week during the summer recess.

The thing is, the Liberals are the ones who invested money into Lockheed Martin in the first place to build the F-35s. While that investment wasn't a bond to purchase them in the end once they were complete, it did kind of ensure that was the path we were going to go.

The thing that frustrates me about all this, is how government deals with something so simple. We need to replace our Hornets, see this article. Why don't we just freaking do it already?

I am totally soured on this thing we call democracy here in Canada. Can you name any important decision that has been mad in the last, like five years? The only one I can recall is when Jean Cretien said hell no when George Bush asked Canadians to join the war in Iraq. That was the only decision the federal government has made recently that I think has actually made a change in Canada's lifestyle, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't within the five-year timeline.

Why doesn't our government just do their jobs, instead of taking years to fight things and then decide to throw the country into another election in a failed attempt to get a majority in the house?

I am so frustrated. I am no longer a Liberal. I don't support that party, or the Conservatives or the NDP. I am a 22-year-old who is struggling under the burden of student loans the government is making money off of. I work, really hard, and the politicians I voted for in the last election have done nothing for me.

I want something done to change any of the social problems we have here. They are out there, and while Ignattief and Harper fight over a couple of fighter jets we obviously need, there are people going hungry, having crimes committed against them, going overseas for MS treatments that could easily be done here and so much more.

Why does it take so long for anything positive to happen?


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