Monday, April 26, 2010

Ugh, bad dog

So yesterday I decided to go on an adventure. After getting some shotty directions out to Swan Haven, I headed towards the Carcross cutoff, and quickly realized I was not going in the right direction. Oh well, I thought to myself. This is the way to the desert!

I remember visiting the Carcross Desert when I was 18 with my Mom, Audrey and Lara. It was so cool, but we didn't walk around too much. So this time, I decided, with Kya in tow, I would take a walk on the sand dunes. 

We got there, and I released Kya from the car. She ran around sniffing things while I read the plaques about the Carcross Desert, which is really the remains of a glacial lake. But still, sand dunes, it's a desert in my books. I read this one plaque about how there are rare plants and animals in the desrt, so you should be careful. 

Then I headed off down the side of the little platform with the information. This is when Inoticed Kya zipping along to my right in hot pursuit of a little gopher. The poor little guy was no match for Kya's speed, and quickly lost the race. Kya then grabbed the little rodent in her teeth and violently shook him, as I screamed and screamed. My cries for her to stop fell on deaf ears, however, as Kya's sharp teeth ravaged the little animal. She finally began to listen to me, and dropped the gopher. He slowly tried to crawl away. It was
 at this point that I realized I would now have to kill the poor thing to put him out of his misery.

Being possibly one of the biggest animal lovers in the world, I just couldn't bear the though of having to break the little creature's neck to kill him. So I gave Kya my blessing and let her do what her natural instincts taught her how to do. She killed the gopher and began to snack on him. Ewww. I let out one last call to get her to stop, and she did. Her ears perked up, and her tail began to wag. She scooped up the carcass in her mouth, and trotted happily towards me like a little kid displaying a trophy it had just won. 

She was just so proud of herself. I, of course, was horrified and screamed and ran in the other direction. Poor Kya. She just wanted to kill something cute and bring it to me to show me how much she loves me. What a bad mommy I am. 

I managed to distract Kya from her kill finally. The sound of her munching through its tiny bones was just too much for me, and I secured her to a leash for our walk. 

So, it is with a heavy heart that I must say, rest in peace little gopher. I am sorry my dog is such a savage.
Now I know it is my dog's nature as a husky to do things like this, but I was truly horrified and shocked to see it. If I were my dad, I would have been proud of the skill and agility she displayed in her little hunt. She really kicked that gophers ass. But I find myself with a dilemma here, because gophers are so damn cute. I also worry, because if Kya ever meets my little Mollykins, she just so happens to be about a hair bigger than a gopher herself. It has come to my attention that if Kya really wanted to, she could kill my little puppykins. Not to mention Staci's puppy Cash. So I must discourage her hunting dog tendencies, unless they are done with my permission. And that would be a very rare situation indeed. 

Although the gopher killing is something my Dad could use in his back 40. He has already expressed interest. It is also kind of nice to know that Kya can kick some freaking ass if the need ever arose. I guess I have a little protector dog now.

But having said all that, I still must end with this: bad dog.


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