Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Tell all your friends, that John Nolan sucks

So Kya ripped my screen out of my window during her first-week rampage. And I never really worried about it. But now open-window season has begun, and it has come to my attention that without a screen, my room will be infiltrated with probably like, forty-billion mosquitos if I'm not careful here.

I effing hate mosquitos. 

So last night the first bug of the year trickled into my room. I have no idea what it was - I didn't really want to know - but it buzzed around my head and seemed to find me whenever I popped a leg or an arm out from under my comforter for a bit of cold air. I can't not sleep with comforters, even when its a billion degrees out. I am a safety blanket-type person. 

So adding to my to-do list, is fixing that stupid screen that Kya wrecked. 

In other Kya news, because I seem to only have Kya-related stories to report on these days, I counted up my nickles and dimes and bought her a stuffed duck. She was going ape shit for it this morning. She has this tendency to get really super hyper every morning before I leave. Today I left the door open a crack while I was trying to find my kys, and she made a break for it. I acted quickly and pushed my knee in her way - and squished her head against the door frame in the process. She let out a sad little yelp indicating I had hurt her, and I was subsequently late for work because I felt bad and she turned on her super cute puppy dog eyes. You seriously can't say no to a Husky. 

Anyways, listening to some Tegan and Sara. I listened to Taking Back Sunday's newest album about three times through this morning. It is very good. Maybe not as good as Louder Now. TBS makes me a bit sad though, they got rid of bassist Matt Rubano and their new guitar player, and took back John Nolan and Shaun Cooper from the Tell all your Friends era. And while old school TBS fans are celebrating, I'm bitter. I loved Tell all your Friends, but I loved it with the knowledge that John Nolan has a terrible fucking voice, and just enjoyed Adam Lazzara's. Hopefully they don't let him sing too much on their forthcoming album, but they probably will. Ick. 

Josh has got me into Butch walker, as he says, "it doesn't rock, it coos." And it really does. I love it so far. I've only really listened to two albums, he has like a billion to get through, and that's not even including his time with the Marvelous 3. I like getting into bands when they are already established, because you get tons of new stuff to listen to. Newer bands, you just hope they put out something good soon after you've beaten the first album to death.


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