Thursday, April 8, 2010

Poison milk

My morning started off well. I got out of bed five minutes earlier, and I'm happy to report I made it to work on time this morning, with like a minute to spare. It didn't even kill me either. The only downfall of my morning was when I accidently sniffed a glass of milk in my coffee mug that had been there one too many days. I nearly barfed. That'll teach me to keep my nose out of things. And to maybe not leave milk in travel mugs for three days. Ugh.

I have streamlined my morning routine but I usually still end up late by a few minutes because I just have to have those final moments in bed every morning. It's so damn comfy! I'd never get out if it was the cloud bed. Oh how I miss my cloud bed....

No new stories about Kya to report. She's been very cooperative with my illness recently, and has gotten used to just going for car adventures. She likes those for some reason. I'll take her for a big walk with Sarah and Alvin this weekend to make up for it. 

Steph brought in a popcorn maker to work yesterday, and the Star is on popcorn fever. I heard a rumor that there is a hot dog roaster in the basement and I am encouraging a hot dog day, a la Meadowbrook Elementary. Hooray! I loved hot dog day. When you got to pick a juice box and a cookie. You did it on a little green slip of paper....eeeeee. It was the same with pizza day. I believe the choices were hawaiian or pepperoni, plus a juice box and perhaps a cookie again. 

You can never go wrong with cookies. 

I wish I had brought a bigger lunch. Perhaps a sandwich. I have so many ingredients at home for sandwich making but my bread is like a week past its due date, and although I only have a whopping 93 cents in my bank account, I am not yet that poor. I have a cheque to cash today, but its all going to getting my taxes sent off and an oil change. All boring shit. 

I remember back in the day when Dad changed my oil. Oh wait, that was in August. Things were good then. And when I was still in schoo, it only cost $25 to get my taxes done. Now it's a minimum of $66, if I want to see my cheque in 6-8 weeks. Which I don't. Stupid H&R block. 

Josh and I were Googling ourselves last night. That sounds absolutely terrible, but I promise, there is no dirtiness intended. I have pushed the other Annalee Grant well off of Google, but I am still not number one. There is a Dr. Anna Lee Grant who is dominating that number one slot, and I just must push her out. Clearly she doesn't belong there because she only has one pade. I have like 11 pages worth of Google-worthy fodder. Move over bitch, that's all I can say. My new quest will be to take over the world of Google, then the world. Mwahahahahahahaha! (Imagine me tossing my head back in a cackle)

Anywho, I'll be off. Perhaps I'll have more to write momentarily. 


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