Monday, June 28, 2010

You do not represent me, Black Bloc

On Saturday there was mass rioting in Toronto. Members of some sort of ridiculous anarchist group burnt police cars, smashed windows of businesses that they deamed perpetiated globalization, such as Starbucks, and large banks. 

They wore black clothing, and once they were done with their destruction they slunk back into crowds like the cowards that they are and removed it – blending in to the crowd of peaceful protestors.

I have to say that I am utterly shocked and embarrassed at these disgusting people. I do hope, like the news has been saying, that these people were not Canadians, but rather people who flew in just to protest and destroy things, because I like to think my country is better than that.

I truly hope it is.

I just don't understand their goals, in smashing the windows of Starbucks, and banks. Starbucks really haven't done anything to harm us. They make coffee. They make delicious Passion Tea Lemonade. I enjoy them. In fact I went through a stint at SAIT where I was too poor to buy them so I bought a couple and carefully watched what they put in it. You can buy the passion tea at Starbucks. You boil it up, Then you add lemonade and serve over ice. And there you have it, a little bit of profit stolen from Starbucks. 

Now Mr. Anarchist, wouldn't it be worthwhile instead of destroying things at Starbucks, to maybe just open a better coffee shop close by and steal away their demographic with slightly less expensive lattes and frappuchinos? Josh and I also discovered they no longer have wireless internet for free there. You could have free internet, and people would flock to YOUR coffee shop instead of Starbucks. Now instead of wrecking the windows of a Starbucks franchise that is most likely individually owned by a person living in your very community, who will now have to replace said windows, you are stealing directly from his customer base. Not only that, you are now a productive member of society instead of a piece of shit anarcist. You can probably take the money you make from your coffee shop and keep it in a shoe box under your bed, because screw those banks right! 

The recent global economic crash revealed some wolves in sheeps clothing amongst the banking world, and while I loathe the $375 a month mine takes from me for student loans, I am mindful of the fact that without the money they put up to support my family and I in sending me to school, I would not have been able to go. I would have been some poor anarchist just like you, possibly working in a Starbucks because I did not get my loans.

Instead, I am a working member of society, who continually has to pay taxes so ridiculous uninformed "anarchists" such as yourself can smash the windows of public buildings, and destroy RCMP cruisers that my tax dollars will have to pay to replace. 

I work hard for my money, and you do nothing to contribute to society, but wine and cry about how your right are being violated after an RCMP officer arrests you for smashing shit. You violated my rights, dear Mr. Anarchist, by wrecking stuff in my country, and I don't think those of us that contribute to the Canadian economy appreciate it.

So take off your black clothing, reveal your faces to the world and admit what you have done, because you know what? I'm a little pissed off at you. 



  1. Holy crap, that was funny.

    Sadly, the Black Bloc cannot take you advice to open a competing coffee shop with free wireless Internet. Starbucks will switch to free service July 1.

  2. Damn! Well maybe they can make cheaper Passion Tea Lemonade?
