Friday, June 25, 2010


Many people complain about packing, but I think I quite like it. I love clearing out crap I don't need. I get a certain sense of accomplishment when I fill a garbage bag or two full of stuff that has been clogging up my space.

I have a lead on a place to live in Jasper. It's a one bedroom suite. I'm kind of excited about the prospect of living alone. I don't mind roommates but I think I am independent and need to spend some time on my own. This way I never have to worry about noise, I can be as messy and as neat as I want, and I can aquire my own furniture and things. It's very exciting. It can alos be decorated to my specifications and it will be my own happy little home. I should go call right now. Eeee! 

I offered to work for free on July 1 so that I don't miss a day of the upcoming Yukon River Quest It's not really work anyway, I'm going on an adventure. And technically I get paid for the stat anyways. So who cares. I also get to go on another boat ride. And my other also is that I am homeless after the 30th, so I will have a place to sleep, which will be nice. I borrowed a tent from my neighbour Heather. 

I will miss organizing a camp with Josh. We got so good at it. When the Kia finally pulled to a stop after a day on the road, the cooler was out, drinks were in hand, the stove was put to use frying up whatever type of animal we had procurred that day, and Josh set up the tent while I tended the food. I usually helped actually put up the tent, but it was so freaking small it was a one person operation once it came time to put things in there. Seriously, a six foot long tent for two people taller than six fet? Not good times. We figured out  how to sleep in there though. And by that I mean I stretched out diagonally across the tent, and Josh curled up in a ball. Poor Josh. He's a trooper. 

I took my car in for an oil change and tried to con Toyota into giving me a free hubcap. They would give me a hubcap alright – in exchange for $130. I nearly fell over, so I told them that was horrendous, and they suggested I go to an auto wrecker. Now Dad and I get to troll Northern Alberta's finest auto wreckers for the part so I don't look like a hillbilly anymore. I know it's just cosmetic, but my rims are stock and very ugly not covered up. They also trap dirt, so they are now brown. Foul.

My email isn't working and keeps telling me I have one in the inbox. Then I get all excited and think I have mail, but alas, I do not. Gmail is cruel.


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