Wednesday, June 23, 2010

It's all coming together

I have realized in my life that not one thing comes to me easily. I have worked really hard for every major thing I have accomplished, especially in the past 10 months. 

I took the job at the Star and paid my dues working sports. I really enjoyed this job, but my desire to write more diverse stories was always clawing at me. I also developed my photography to the point where I knew it was something I wanted to pursue as a career. I have struggled financially, mentally and sometimes even physically to get through my time in the Yukon, and I think I am about to emerge as the strongest woman I have ever been. 

I'm really proud of everything I overcame, and especially proud of myself for what I have achieved. I'm about the leave the Yukon, which is something I have looked forward to for awhile, to work in Jasper, Alta., at quite literally my dream job.

I was hired on Monday as photojournalist for the Fitzhugh, a tiny independent paper in probably one of the coolest ski/tourist towns in western Canada. One of the requirements was that I be able to ski, and they mentioned something about backcountry skiing. Eek! Maybe I'll need to take a few lessons? My record with powder has never been good. Once I fall, I'm effed.

But as a photojournalist, I still get to write, which is a passion I have always had and never want to give up on. I can't wait to buy lenses and collect camera equipment. I can;t wait to be so busy I barely get to sleep, I can't wait to go on adventures and become a crazy outdoors-woman as I get better and better at this.

My other excitement in life is that I have found someone I hope to be with for a long, long time to come. Everyone keeps saying things about my long-distance relationship with Josh like it's never going to work. But it is working better than any relationship I've ever been in. I can never truly miss Josh because there is always communication. In the age of Facebook I can see Josh everyday. For my birthday he sent me two videos, one of him wishing me a happy birthday, and one of him and his friends. I love them, I've played them like a billion times already. I can take him with me everywhere now. I'll have to return the favour this afternoon. 

Once I get internet at home I can have a real live conversation with him on Skype, and I am always cognizant of the fact that in two years, when he is done school one of us will move to the other and things will be 100 per cent normal. I can't wait to come home to him everyday. I can't wait to see him in a month. I can't wait till the next time he sends me a text or an email or whatever. My life is filled with excitement for the next time we see or talk to each other, and who can say that isn't the perfect relationship?

Anyways, with so much excitement it's a wonder I am still staying focused on my crazy work schedule at the Star right now. I pulled an 11 hour shift yesterday, and any of you who know me, know that I freaking love working overtime. I know, it's strange, but I love what I do and getting to do it all day is more than I could ever ask for.

So cheers, to being 22 now. My first half of 21 was filled with bad relationships, fighting and constant drama. The end had so many good things set up for the next year to be the best of my life. I can't wait to get a little further into it and see what's in store. And by that I mean, I can't wait to get out of the Yukon and onto phase two of my career!


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