Friday, September 10, 2010

copy copy copy

Crazy busy at work this week, cleaning up a lot of messes. No further talk of that, besides I'm very very happy to say I am in an all-girl newsroom now!! I can complain about my frizzy hair and everyone gets it.

Josh and I FINALY booked a plane ticket. I'm heading to Phoenix on the 23rd at 7 a.m. I get there via Texas (weird, right??) and then get into Phoenix at noon! Hooray! I technically go back in time. Who said time travel wasn't possible??

Josh has intorduced me to a demon. It's called Scople. It's ridiculous and very obvious quizzes that hurt my brain. I have yet to complete one and it's driving me insane. Especially the U.S. states one. I always forget like Vermont, Delware and a few others. Josh says it's alright though, they are the sucky states.

Anyway, I'm off for more Scople before I head out to a photo op. I'm determined tog et there early so I can get a free water bottle. Hooray!


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