Sunday, June 5, 2011

Polish and nature

I thought I pulled a muscle today, while recoiling in fear from a swarming wasp. I was out on the side deck painting my toe nails. It didn't occur to me that nail polish and nature do not go well. I did a less than perfect job, but that's how I roll.

I woke up around 10, and stayed in bed till noon. It was nice to have a day where I had no where to go, no where to be. I felt a bit lost, however. I walked up to the Community Garden, where our remarkable growth has become a bit of a talking point. Everyone can't believe us first time gardeners have like, the best garden. Everything is growing now! We have beans, peas, tons of garlic. The potatoes are growing like crazy. Some people haven't even planted yet! I can't wait to start eating stuff. The lettuce should be first, then maybe those beans. Mmmm, mmm!

Grow like the wind! Little lettuce plants!

After the garden, I set up the basket chair thingy on the deck and listened to some acoustic Against Me while painting my nails. It got chilly, so I went outside and cooked myself a very nutritionless dinner of stuffed cordon bleu chicken breast and Kraft dinner. My roommate poked fun at me, and I shot back that I am extremely poor and rationing food.

I'm looking forward to the summer a lot. Since kayaking with Josh I really want to get into it more. I priced out a new one, they start around $500 -- $700 with a paddle and life jacket and tax. Maybe I can get my hands on a used one, or else just rent this season. Renting is probably the best option for me at this point. Finding a kayaking partner -- now that is the other challenge.

There's another effing mosquito in my room. I chased him out. This is going to be a long and very itchy summer thanks to my landlords. I could really use a freaking screen. Hopefully on payday I can find something at Home Hardware to rig something up.

I covered a gymkhana yesterday in Hinton. It made me miss Blackberry so much. There were some gorgeous paints kicking ass at barrels and pole bending. I always loved pole bending, and so did Blackie.

I'm getting pretty sleepy. Josh was on Skype a few hours ago, he couldn't get to sleep after only getting about seven hours total while in Vegas. Looks like he finally got there, he eventually signed off. I miss him really badly today. Time for bed for me too, now that I'm talking about him sleeping!!


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