Friday, October 9, 2009

Self checkout is the catalyst to madness

I hate grocery stores. Especially when I'm in a bad mood, which I very much was.

I was in one of those moods where I wanted to swear at people, and just wished everyone would leave the store so I could quickly pick up the things I needed for dinner and get the hell out of there.

My advice for parents, is to stop bringing your effing children to the grocery store. Find a babysitter. It'll probably cost you a buck to keep the kid elsewhere while you pick up the groceries, that's how much faster you can work when your kids aren't around mucking things up. also, when your kids are fucking around and my day gets effected by their actions, I get pissed off. And when I am in an intolerable mood already it seems your kid push my buttons further because you can't control their shit.

Case in point today. This lady has her kid wandering around. He's barely old enough to walk and he's chosen to walk with his head completely behind him exorcist style in front of the cart, as I'm trying to dodge the thing so I can get into the pasta aisle. Rather than place him in her cart or leave him at home, the mother is screaming at him to pay attention from behind the cart laden with diapers and candy for said kid, rather than actually choosing to parent him. I managed to step over the wandering toddler, but I thought a little about him walking straight into me, and the yelling he would get when really had the mom just picked him up or left him with someone it all never would have happened.

I collected all my items, dodging slow people selecting turkeys and pie fixens. There was a shortage on butter. I needed some. It held me up as I had to battle it out with a woman also looking for one of the last sticks of butter left in the dairy aisle. I was wished a happy thanksgiving from the staff at Superstore.

I will not have a happy thanksgiving. I felt they were rubbing it in. I don't think I'll shop at Superstore for awhile.

Anyways, once I had all my ingredients, I headed to the till. It was packed and as per usual there were far more customers than cashiers. I chose to use the self-checkout because I don't like making small talk with people when I'm in a bad mood (or even really when I'm in a good mood). So some lady decided it would be cute to let her children do the checkout. They thought it was cool. I'll give them that, I thought the beep sound the cash register made when an item went over it was sweet too when I was little, but this is a place of business and it turns out a cashier isn't actually a job people should seek out if they can help it. They'll learn that when they grow up all cynical like me.

So while the woman is trying to get the two kids organized, her younger boy has run off dragging the cart through the lineup heading straight for a display drooling and screaming. She finally notices, drags the cart back, tells him to stop. And turns around. The kid grabs the cart and takes off again until she notices, drags him back and gets more pissed off. Then the kid tries to lift a sack of potatos from the back because he wants to get in on the action while the other two kids are struggling with a bag of dog food.

I bet she thought it was real cute. All the while I'm in line fuming with anger and thinking this is not the time or place to be adoring our children and letting them do heavy lifting. If you can't handle the self-checkout, go to a regular till.

Jesus, that was quite the rant. I'm still inscensed about it six hours later.


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